The truth of the matter is I had planned on working today anyway. I know we are busy, and I can always use the overtime on my paycheck. However, it doesn’t hurt to let my co-workers bribe me to come in. After all, I do have to be there at 6am on a Friday when I am used to a 10:30am start time the rest of the week. It may not seem like much, but when you’re used to going to bed at 1am, getting up at 4:30am is stinky!

So I let one of my coworkers bribe me. They were talking about cake a couple of days ago. I have been watching what I eat and taking very good care of myself, but cake sounded so good. A treat every now and again is a good thing, especially if they bribe you with it.

So here’s to having my cake and eating it too!